Wednesday, May 27, 2009


We know how the story ends, we've read the book. We will live with God forever. This world will fade away and we'll live on. Make the choice! Choose God!

And this world is fading away...But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever. ~ 1 John 2:17, NLT

frog line

Monday, May 4, 2009

Ahhh, retreat!

What a wonderful maker! Molds us like clay in His hands.

We had a great retreat last weekend. It went too fast! It was rainy but the weather couldn't stop about 250 of us from having a great time.

We were at Silver Spur, a local Christian camp, where we were treated to great food, super company, and a God-loving speaker, Carole Wolaver - boy can she multi-task. Her hands were usually on the clay when she was speaking. She was even throwing pots during the "free time" - what an amazing gift she has. I can barely chew gum and walk at the same time. LOL

There were so many things to do: lectures, card crafting, movies, raffle for some great baskets. Our group of 16 won 5 baskets. Amazing! The food was excellent, the site was lovely even thru the gray haze, the company was interesting and hilarious at times. The art was fantastic - I've never appreciate pottery as much before, probably because I took it for granted as my grandparents used to have a kiln and we would do pottery when we visited them.

I'm already looking forward to next year and plan to visit the church that invited me to attend, last year and again this year, on Mothers Day. I'd like them to meet the family behind the pinched and unbalanced retreat-goer.

I'm still tired and sore, but it was well worth the time. I am feeling more balanced and less pinched. I'm sore because I chose to walk up the hill 3 times, which is a lot more exercise than I usually get in a month :) My calves are just hating me!!!

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." ~ Psalms 139:14

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