Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Selective memories

I have mommy brain, but so does my mom... so I guess its OK. Sometimes I can barely remember my kids names, let alone when they got their first tooth, walked, or whatever the milestone. I was chatting with my mom today about a pivotal cutting of the apron strings moment that she and I had some 20+ years ago and she says "I don't remember my kids pain" which is probably a good thing! Funny tho that a moment that at the time, was major, is just gone from her mind. We all have moments like that, sometimes a lot of them.

I have a long-time best friend, from high school actually, who swears that I did something that she remembers to clearly as mine, but I have no recollection. Whatever! Can't cry over spilled milk now, right?

Anyway, the quote below reminds me that only my heavenly Father knows all, remembers all, and loves me anyway - what peace that knowledge brings! I don't have to remember the embarrasing high school story, the pain of my children, or whatever else. Ahhh, breathe in and out, live in the moment, and enjoy the amnesia! :)

For I hold you by your right hand— I, the LORD your God. And I say to you, 'Don't be afraid. I am here to help you'. Isaiah 41:13 NLT

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