Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How do I know my value?

Do I value myself? My relationships? My blessings? My life? My job?

Not enough sometimes, but boy when something doesn't go right and I'm feeling miserable I sure value how it feels to feel good. Funny and sad! Like now, I have an annoying headache... I know many people live with them, and many other pains... but boy do I miss feeling better, and again, I'm barely not-well... imagine how much healthier I would be, you would be, we all would be... if we could somehow capitalize on this feeling and actually DO something about it.

I've been known to whine about every little thing that doesn't go right for me... instead of putting my whines to work fixing what I have control over and trying to minimize the effect of the things I don't have control over. Sounds like the serenity prayer, doesn't it?!?!

"So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows." ~ Matthew 10:31, NLT

frog line


Marcie said...

And the thing about a flock of birds is: often when I see them, it reminds me to value other things in my life the way I value the grace and freedom of the winged.

Birdwatchers represent! ;)

The Chromik's said...


Love ya girl!!

About Me

frog and butterfly