Thursday, September 18, 2008

Perception vs. Reality

How is your perception today? How is your reality? Do they differ? Why? How does that serve you?

We have a choice, we can just grunt thru our chores or we can be blessed by them. I realized this as I was cleaning out the fridge last night. Hubby and I were supposed to do it together, but he conveniently disappeared when the fridge door was opened. So I started to get pissy, figured OK, I'll clean out the UFOs and he can clean all the related moldy dishes... FINE, be that way!

Then he reappeared and started doing other kitchen works that needed to be done as well... so I pressed on with the cleaning and then did all the dishes, praying the whole time for wisdom and the ability to continue to bite my tongue! Shortly, very shortly actually, I was done... VIOLA! done... a big job and it was done in the blink of an eye, without any yelling or starting a big fight! Praise the Lord for clean dishes, and I guess dirty ones too :)

So next time you face a chore that you despise or have issues with, just buck up and get 'er done... you'll be a better person for having taken it on.

"So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up." ~ Galatians 6:9, NLT

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